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Behind the scenes

#Food vs food #God vs god #Love vs like

Wordplay...there's a difference. What you put into your #body has the power to heal you or harm you. Google Monsanto and GMO in your down time. You cannot avoid everything but do not willing eat poison when you don't have to. read your labels. Rule of thumb is it does not decay as it would if you made it and left it out... don't eat eat. If it does not possess the chemicals to break down outside of your body what makes you think it's going to break down inside your body properly? Did you know that some of our common foods are not even allow to be sold or imported into other countries, due to the#chemicals added. Did you also know the ones in other countries that are sold, actually have different ingredients than what they sell to us here. prime example:#KFC. The KFC in the USA is different than the KFC in Canada. Oh yeah...they can't ship it away but they will feed it to you and your family. I'm just saying: Healthy food, healthy heart, healthy mind equals a healthier life. See companies lobby and go hard (like struggling for air underwater hard) so that harmful additive do not have to be referenced on the label and get allowed into food sources and water. Why? Because if you knew what was in it and allowed in it parts per 100, you wouldn't buy it. Actually you probably would not buy it...or sale it for that matter (without a blemished conscience of course). People from other countries are less likely to have our ailments ie. #heart disease... diabetes...etc before coming here. It is not until they have adopted an#american diet and #lifestyle that the break down starts. So yeah there is an flag on the play. You don't have to be#vegan, octo-lacto vegetarian or a that's cool I dig that. It works for some ...myself included but hey not everyone is "about that life"...the main thing is to just make wiser choices and read your labels. If you google an ingredient and still don't know what it is lol avoid it.

"We stopping at Mc Donalds what you' want?" "Bk got whoppers 3 for 10 you want one" -no thank you...I'm good. Peace...with love, Nyx 4-23-16 #kissthenyx #wordpress



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I will be a paragraph



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